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The OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the world. It is made by people like you.
It allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from anywhere on Earth. OpenStreetMap creates and provides free geographic data such as street maps to anyone who wants them. The project was started because most maps you think of as free actually have legal or technical restrictions on their use, holding back people from using them in creative, productive, or unexpected ways.
You can find out more about OpenStreetMap at: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org
It would be absolutely great, if you decided to help improving the OpenStreetMap (OSM). You can either report your change requests or edit the map yourself. The latter can be done by using one of the powerful existing editors like Potlatch or JOSM.
Please report your change requests in OSM by left-clicking at the respective position in the map below. Zoom in and out by using either your mousewheel or the scale on the left below.If you choose to edit OSM yourself with an editor like Potlatch or JOSM, don’t use proprietary or copyrighted data as your source (e.g. printed maps, Google Maps etc.).All entered information is subject to Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL).
Our OSM Bugs channel has some features that make it quite unique.
You can report change requests or bugs, as we like to call them. You can do this directly when you find one with our OSM-based navigation or on the web platform, if you know the location of a specific bug.
You can search bugs on the map and get a clear view on what’s going on where. This can be of great help, if you have decided to improve the map and correct its flaws. You can either choose to look for bugs in a specific spot or area, or you look up specific bugs by their ID numbers. Furthermore, you can filter existing bugs based on bug characteristics like type or status.
You can view statistics and news feeds of specific areas. When accessing the bugs web page, you are provided with comprehensive statistics regarding the currently displayed section of the map. You have the option to subscribe to our RSS Feed which will inform you of the open bugs of the displayed section according to your current filter settings.
Edit, comment, resolve
For each bug, there is a bug details page which can be accessed via the bugs pop-up or from the “My bug reports” page. If you choose to resolve a bug, you can see the several details that help you identify the root of the problem. In order to fix the map, you can use editors like JOSM (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM) or Potlach (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Potlatch).
My bug reports
One benefit of being a registered skobbler is the ability to keep track of all the bug reports you have contributed. You can also sort them and apply filters to see only what you want to see.
Statistics allow you to see brief information about OSM open bugs.
The statistics dynamically change when you scroll the map. They provide you with info about open bugs on the current map view. Also statistics are filter-dependent, meaning that if you only want to see statistics for some specific bug types, you can do that by changing your filter settings.
The statistics section provides you with information about:
- Total count of open bugs in current map view
- Total number of bugs in current view (depending on your filter settings)
- Total number of open bugs that apply to your filter settings
- New bugs in current view (last 7 days)
- Closed bugs in current view (last 7 days)
The relevance feature aims to classify the bug reports by quality. A high quality means the bug has all necessary info to be worked on and solved. A low quality indicates an incomplete or dummy bug report.
The calculation of each bug's relevance is done by MapDust based on the following factors:
- bug type (“bad routing” bugs always have low relevance, since they are considered software bugs)
- description (in most cases, a longer description is likely to be more useful for the bug solver, except for the “missing speedlimit” type where the description can be a numeric value)
- comments (if a bug has one or more comments, its relevance is increased)
- kml (if a bug is posted via the skobbler navigation app, this means that it has a route attached to it which makes it more relevant)
- skobbler user (if a bug was reported by an authenticated skobbler user, it gets some additional relevance points since the author can be contacted to provide more details)
MapDust reserves the right to change/improve the algorithm at any time without prior notification.
Geo RSS Feed
Data Extracts
You can download daily data extracts from MapDust here.
Data Extracts#[[type]] [#[[uniqueId]]] - Unresolved bug!
Relevance: #[[relevanceString]]
Description: #[[text]] #[[dateCreated]], #[[nickname]]
- #[[numberOfComments]]
To edit the map with JOSM you need to have installed and launched the JOSM application on your computer. The "remote control" JOSM plugin should be installed and activated as well.
Is JOSM up and running? Yes Cancel Do not show this message again. - Bug details
#[[type]] [#[[uniqueId]]] - Resolved bug
Relevance: #[[relevanceString]]
Description: #[[text]] [#[[nickname]], #[[dateCreated]]]
This bug has already been resolved. Yet it may take a few days before the change is actually visible in the map.
- #[[numberOfComments]]
- #[[reopenLink]]
- Bug details
#[[type]] [#[[uniqueId]]] - Non-reproducible error / software bug
Relevance: #[[relevanceString]]
Description: #[[text]] [#[[nickname]], #[[dateCreated]]]
This error is non-reproducible or it is a software bug.
- #[[numberOfComments]]
- #[[reopenLink]]
- Bug details
Create bug report
Please provide a brief bug description. You may also enter your nick to show that it was you who reported the bug.
Create bug report
Please wait while your bug is submitted.


Total count of open bugs in curent map view: #[[openBBoxCount]]
Total number of bugs in current view (depending on current filter settings): #[[filteredBBoxCount]]
Total number of open bugs that apply to your filter settings: #[[openFilteredCount]]
New bugs in current view (last 7 days): #[[openFilteredBBoxCount]]
Closed bugs in current view (last 7 days): #[[fixedFilteredBBoxCount]]